新闻 & 的见解

Tailoring 精益项目交付: Knowing One-Size-Doesn’t-Fit-All


波士顿 -精益项目交付对各种形式和规模的建设项目产生显著影响. 今天, 的时间, 作为精益项目交付的基石,减少劳动力和成本的努力已经被领先的建筑公司所接受.

没有被所有人接受的是为每个项目量身定制精益施工管理工具和技术,这是consigli的核心. 这个自定义, 由百家乐软件的精益战略总监指导, 辛西娅·曹, makes 百家乐软件’s Lean approaches strongest for clients and project teams.

曹, 近二十年来,在建筑行业转型和采用精益思维方面处于领先地位, 解释了精益建设的核心原则, “Lean efforts focus on identifying opportunities to reduce inefficient use of resources, 通过我们的工作创造更多的价值. 在设计, Lean efforts work on improving the decision-making process so project buy-out, procurement and job-site work can proceed as planned. 在施工期间, Lean efforts seek to improve both productivity and safety for all trades on the jobsite.”




建筑行业软件创新者欧特克加入了波士顿海港创新社区, 从沃尔瑟姆郊区搬过来, 质量. 到海港不朽的创新与设计大楼中70,000平方英尺的定制空间. 这些新的挖掘结合了先进的研究车间和原型数字制造方法以及AEC(架构)的施工自动化, 工程和建筑工业, 协作办公空间. 叫做“BUILD Space”,意思是“建筑”, 创新, Learning and Design”—these are definitely not run-of-the-mill workspaces, and the construction process has been fittingly innovative, 太.

欧特克副总裁Jim Lynch, 解释BUILD Space背后的愿景, “我们希望提高欧特克的知名度和与波士顿技术文化的联系,以及与创新生态系统的接触. 另一个目标是让社区更好地了解Autodesk客户和技术在这个世界上的影响. We want to expose the community to the things we do around the built environment.”

百家乐软件的项目主管, 马特Guimond, talks about the combined impact of Integrated Project Delivery and Lean. “作为一个综合项目交付项目, we have the great benefit of being a co-located team, 欧特克的项目经理, 该项目的建筑师Spagnolo Gisness & 同事(SGA), 工程师, M/E/P subcontractors and our 百家乐软件 team—on-site at the Design and 创新 Building. 这对于有效的沟通是很好的. When you have the right people in the room, things can go very fast.”

同时,一个位于同一地点的团队也有助于在重要的方面使“信息请求”(RFI)过程(澄清设计信息)更加顺畅. 我们已经能够将典型的长达两周的RFI过程缩短到一天,因为您需要从建筑师或工程师那里获得澄清,他就坐在您旁边. 也, 同一地点的团队减少了设计团队在任何时候都要面对大量问题的需求.”

精益的拉动式计划过程——将项目作为一个生产系统进行协同规划——是项目成功的核心. The team has used Pull Planning on two levels: for high-level milestone planning, and for detailed plans of what’s needed to get to each milestone, which are developed hand-in-hand with the trade foremen.

Guimond解释, “One of our first Lean steps was developing a Pull Plan with the project management team. 字面上60英尺长, spread across the wall of the team’s co-location room, each milestone of the project is shown as a colored paper “sticky.“当一个项目里程碑被移动时, you automatically see the effect it has on the schedule, 项目范围.”

“使用它是无价的. 这件事很快让我们明白,我们需要单独跟踪——而不是集体跟踪——将要安装的100件尖端技术设备. Including everything from robots to 3D printers, they’re all part of the BUILD Space.

创新和协作的“设计-协助”过程打破了建筑行业的传统,将设计团队成员与建筑行业和供应商结合起来,这也是项目的重要组成部分. 当Autodesk决定他们的会议室是模块化和可重构的, 该项目的建筑师, SGA, created a design concept that was then developed by 百家乐软件’s team, with help from specialty interior contractors Creative Office Pavilion (COP), 和木制品供应商, DIRTT.

完整的精益案例研究,点击 在这里.




“在计划最精益的时候, 马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗保健中心(UMMHC) 250个病房的改造影响最小的方法, we customized the Lean material delivery concept of ‘Just-in-Time-Delivery,将其扩展到“准时制建设”,通过确定一种通过“部件套件”的施工方法来改造病房的方法,Rick Gala解释道。, UMMHC校园更新项目的项目经理.

康西格利面临的挑战? Renovate these 250 patient rooms and the public areas, 每次只有四间客房停止服务, and with as little disruption to each campus’ daily operations as possible.

In developing their Lean approach, the questions for the team became:

  • 我们能限制现场需要做的事情吗?
  • Can we limit the disruption of delivering materials through the hospital campus?
  • Can we reduce the construction packaging brought on-site?
  • Can we increase pre-fabrication opportunities through Target Value Design?

A “Kit of Parts” 方法 to Patient Room Renovations
康西格利的“是的,我们可以!” answer to all these questions was one inspired by a Lean manufacturing approach, helped by the repetitive nature of the patient room renovations. 虽然这些房间的尺寸有所不同, 浴室组件, 磨光工作, interior finishes and equipment for them are the same. 该团队意识到,几乎每个房间所需的所有材料都可以在百家乐软件位于米尔福德的Pre-Fab实验室中准备好安装, w在这里 the materials are organized by construction sequence, pre-packaged into four “建设 Kit” categories, 并“及时”交付安装. 整理成浴室套装, 完成套件1和2, 和一个木制品套装, 这些准备好的套件占每个房间装修所需材料的80%.


  • Minimizes disruption of deliveries and traffic to the campuses
  • 限制材料的储存和现场处理
  • Ensures materials are ready when each room is scheduled for renovation
  • 预期并允许定制
  • 减少现场施工包装
  • 简化分包商日程安排
  • 支持最安全的施工现场实践
  • 降低成本

“Choosing by Advantages” is another Lean process that’s a perfect fit for the UMMHC project. 通过优势选择(CBA) -一个结构化的决策过程-客户从最终用户的角度,通过他们的优势来审查建筑材料的选择. 这个过程有助于决策制定,同时也有助于避免以后在发现一个没有经过深思熟虑选择的组件存在问题时需要替换或重做项目的某个方面.

CBA is also another way that 百家乐软件 and 该项目的建筑师, S / L / A / M, are keeping the experience of patient and healthcare staff at the center. This comprehensive review considers patient and health care staff ease-of-experience, 以及建筑材料的物理影响. The client will consider the advantages of which patient room flooring to use? A more expensive choice that’s most comfortable underfoot for staff, or a less expensive option that makes for a louder footfall? 从躺在走廊轮床上的病人的角度来看,最好的照明选择是什么, 在去手术的路上? Which bed-curtain track allows staff to open and close curtains quietly and quickly, 支持病人的隐私和平静?

完整的精益案例研究,点击 在这里.


Building Framingham State University’s West Hall: Lateral Thinking for a Fast-Track


With a 27% growth in enrollment over the past five years, 弗雷明汉州立大学的317个床位的新住宅楼必须在2016年秋季为学生准备好. 建造这个套房风格的大厅, 百家乐软件的团队正在使用精益项目交付, customized for the fast-track construction of the 97,000平方英尺的西厅. 指导项目的是该团队的一系列拉式计划——与项目的贸易领班合作制定的逐级工作阶段计划——以及每日“流程板”,跟踪计划工作与已完成或重新计划的工作.

在最近一月的一天, 真正忙碌的工作是在内心, as 百家乐软件’s team of contractors make their way systematically across each floor, putting in place the layers of construction that make up each of the 100 suites. 每层楼, 三明治的金属钉, 绝缘, 壁板, 录制, 墙砂光, 油漆和房间装修正在进行中.

每一项工作顺利地转移到下一项工作的流程是精益项目交付的核心. It is the direct result of the FSU team’s Lean Pull Planning.

助理警司邓肯·舒斯特指出,“拉式计划”创造了强大的团队支持. “当我们做拉动计划时, 每艘潜艇都说明了他们工作所需的时间和人力,我们会进行审查,以确保计划的一切都是可行的. It gets them involved and helps everyone to own the dates for their work. 每个人都有发言权.”

这种水平的发展并不是团队对最有效的内部建造方式的第一个假设, 但在团队与所有负责工作的贸易主管进行了半天的拉计划会议之后, 当他们规划室内建筑的里程碑时,这种方法的好处变得清晰起来.

“It was our drywall contractor who first saw that this might be a good way to go,项目经理Jody Staruk解释道. “And all the other foremen agreed it would be a great approach.”

The team has collaboratively created Pull Plans for many phases of the work. 从结构拉动计划开始, they moved on to the interior plan for the six floors of suites, as well as creating individual “mini-project” Pull Plans for the building’s public areas, 哪些正在同时构建. Next up will be the Pull Plan for the building’s exterior.

Like the interior Pull Plan for the suites’ construction, 迷你拉计划透露了有价值的信息. Completed for the building’s common spaces—the hall’s living room, 会议室, 公共卫生间和居民总监公寓——这一合作过程表明,公共区域几乎包含了与套房完全相同的建设任务, so the team can continue applying their streamlined approach.

完整的精益案例研究,点击 在这里.